Eighth and Ninth Weeks of 1st218, Second Class, 13 and 20 March 2021

Neil and I decided it was back to the putting green for Week 8 but only after we promised the youngsters they could hit their drivers on Week 9. Their target was a green cone and depending on which bay you standing in determined the length of the putt and the break so the youngsters changed bays every five putts. We also put two tees in the green to assist them bringing the putter back straight

Here we have girl power, Lilly putting

Lilly’s brother Liam putting

Ashton rolling it very nicely

Andrew putting

Jared and Mikey, first and second respectively showing us how it’s done and getting their prizes from Neil

The winners of the longest straightest drive were Andrew in second place and Quade taking the honours on the day


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